?The Joe Boxer thong gives men a wider waist band and a wider back so that they can wear their blue jeans lower without revealing that they are wearing a thong.
The story of women buying thong underwear for the men in their lives often starts out as a gift purchase. It is not uncommon to hear many women say “After a few years of my boyfriend buying thongs for me to wear, I decided to return the favor. After a little coaxing, he tried them on and now only one month later they are the only underwear he will wear. He wears them everywhere now and I think they make him look great and very sexy too.”
Most men's thongs have a wider waist band and back strap than women’s thongs and The Joe Boxer Thong from Kmart and other retailers is a good match for straight guys who are trying to find a sexy thong while still maintaining some macho and masculinity at the same time. The Joe Boxer Thongs are a combination of comfortability, and practicality among the many sellers and styles available on the Internet or at retail shops. Despite the amounts of negative feedback from some guys about the subject of thong underwear for men, the truth is that there are tons of places that sell men’s thongs today, and if you think you are the only guy interested in thongs for men, guess again, because some recent marketing study estimates have said that men’s thongs now account for about 50% of all men’s total underwear sales, online or off.
Many men graduate to other brands as they become more secure and comfortable with shopping for thongs and start looking for something more like a men's g-string type thong with a smaller, 1/4 to 1/2 inch waist band and back strap. Although these types of thongs are not the most in-demand type of men's thong, if you desire something “less” than a Joe Boxer style thong, your best bet is from an internet site or a retail shop that caters to the gay clientele in predominately gay neighborhood shopping areas. The Joe Boxer thongs give men a wider waist band and a wider back so that they can conceal the fact they have on a thong as to avoid any negative feedback from their friends and the thicker waist band allows men to wear their blue jeans lower without revealing that they are wearing a thong to anyone. If the present trends continue, it looks like a lot more men will be wearing a lot more Joe Boxer thongs in the future.